21 Mar The Right Pump. For The Right Job.
Time and time again contractors are faced with a project that involves controlling water. There are multiple components that one must consider before taking on the water related job. You may find yourself asking what will I use to control the water? Will I stop it or divert it? How Deep is the water? Is It flowing or stagnant? How fast it it moving? What pump will I need to move this water so my crew will be able to work safe and efficiently? Getting in contact with your local pump supplier will be a great place to start they are the most knowledgeable about there wide variety of pumps from small trash pumps to large diesel bypass pumps.
In 2000 BC Egyptians invent the shadoof to raise water. It uses a long suspended rod with a bucket at one end and a weight at the other. In 200 BC Gree
k inventor and mathematician Ctesibius invents the water organ, an air pump with valves on the bottom, a tank of water in between them and a row of pipes on top. This is the principal design that is now known as the reciprocating pump. Also In 200 BC Archimedean screw pump is designed by Archimedes is considered one of the greatest inventions of all time and is still in use today for pumping liquids and granulated solids in both the industrialized world and in the third world—where it is a preferred way to irrigate agricultural fields without electrical pumps. http://www.pumpsandsystems.com/topics/pumps/pumps/history-pumps-through-years?page=6
The pump industry has continued to grow today to become a advanced go to for water control. Companies such as Rain For Rent http://www.rainforrent.com/Careers/About/ and Xylem Pumps http://www.xylem.com/en-us/products/pumps/Pages/default.aspx have proved to have great success in the pump industry and continue to create innovative water solving solutions and products.
Whether you are working in a lake, river, pond, stream or ocean you are going to need a method to stop, control or divert the water. Detroit Tarp Inc offers and advanced, reliable, reusable and successful cofferdam product to help you control the water you are faced with. Below are three types of installations for the Detroit Tarp Cofferdam.
Installation Procedures
Dynamic Water Installations:The location where the Water Inflated Dam is to be installed has dynamic or moving water present. The cofferdams are positioned properly by controlling the ends of the system with hydraulic equipment (i.e., track hoe, crane) and/or securing or anchoring one end of the Water Inflated Dam at the shoreline.

There are many pump and water control companies around the world that offer great products and customer service. Rain For Rent is a nation wide company that offers just about everything from Pumps and hoses to frac tanks and water towers. If you are going to use one of our cofferdams and want to fill it in an adequate amount of time it is best to know what pump you want to use and pump and what it is capable of handling. The largest dam we produce will hold up to 901 gallons per linear foot, that is a total of 94,605 gallons! Fill this with the wrong pump and you could be sitting around waiting. That is why you will want to look to Rain For Rents website where they break down all the pumps and give you detailed information about them. You can
also get in contact with your local sales rep and talk to them directly. Here are some pumps that will help make the cofferdam project a time efficient install.
DV80c 4″x3″ Pump – The 4” suction x 3” discharge self-priming centrifugal DV80c trash pump provides up to a maximum of 880 gallons per minute pumping and up to 125 feet of head.

DV100 4″x4″ Pump – The 4” suction x 4” discharge self-priming centrifugal DV100 trash pump provides up to a maximum of 790 gallons per minute pumping and up to 115 feet ofhead.
DV100c 6″x4″ Pump – The 6” suction x 4” discharge self-priming centrifugal DV100c trash pump provides up to a maximum of 1,450 gallons perminute pumping and up
to 165 feet of head.
DV175c 8″x6″ Pump – The 8” suction x 6” discharge self-priming centrifugal DV175c trash pump provides up to a maximum of 2,900 gallons per minute pumping and up to 295 feet of head
Thease are just a few of what Rain for Rent offers you can find out more information at http://www.rainforrent.com/Products/ or by calling your local rep.
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