• Understanding Water-Filled Cofferdams: A Practical Solution for Effective Construction and Flood Control Water filled cofferdams are becoming increasingly popular in the construction and engineering industries, providing a cost-effective and efficient method for managing water-related challenges in construction sites. Whether used for temporary flood control, excavation......

  • Bridge painting is a crucial maintenance task that ensures the structural integrity and longevity of bridges. Over time, weather, corrosion, and other environmental factors can degrade a bridge’s appearance and functionality. However, painting these structures comes with a set of challenges, primarily concerning safety, environmental......

  •  Tarp System Service! Detroit Tarp is honored to offer our customers repairs, service and general maintenance on a range of tarps and tarp systems. Detroit Tarp has the experience to help ensure your tarp systems continue keeping you covered for a long time. If you......

  • A water filled cofferdam moving water installation procedure for success. While deploying the cofferdam in a moving water situation, you can accomplish the installation with man power and minimal equipment usage.  However moving water deployments differ from stagnant water deployments with the difference being heavy......

  • A water filled cofferdam standing water installation procedure for success. While deploying the cofferdam in a stagnant water situation, you can accomplish the installation with man power and minimal equipment usage. Moving water deployments differ from stagnant water deployments with the difference being heavy equipment......

  • Detroit Tarp Inc and Repair Shop does not only offer cofferdam sales but we also offer water filled cofferdam rental. The rental option helps keep cost at a minimum for contractors and clients who do not normally deal with water related projects. Cofferdam rental minimizes......

  • Pipeline projects are one of the most important construction projects in America, Oil and Gas pipelines fuel our economy and keep our country going. There are over 3.5 million miles of rivers and streams in the U.S., covering an enormous and diverse landscape. Rivers supply our......

  • Time and time again contractors are faced with a project that involves controlling water. There are multiple components that one must consider before taking on the water related job. You may find yourself asking what will I use to control the water? Will I stop......

  • Detroit Tarp has been a leading manufacturer of tarpaulins, covers, curtains, precast blankets and other custom Containment Tarps for over 50 years. Our containment tarps are made to your specification. We can provide you with a wide variety of materials for you to choose from......

  • The weather has been changing drastically this 2016-2017 season and it wont be long before spring rolls around and the snow begins to melt rapidly. If your home or company is in a low land area and there is a possibility of flooding you should......

  • When working in or near water you cannot always see or feel what may lie beneath the surface. There sometimes can be an element of surprise weather it may be a sharp rock, broken glass or re-rod you never can be 100 % sure you......

  • With a variety of cofferdam options on the market today, customers have their fair pick on how they want to control water within the work site. Choosing cofferdams such as Sheet Pile, Jersey Barriers, Earthen Dams, Sand Bags and Water Inflated Dams there is some......

  • The Mackinac Bridge is one of the world’s most beautiful bridges and truly something to see. The bridge was designed by the great engineer David B. Steinman and opened on November 1, 1957. The structure took 48 months to complete with over 3, 500 workers and......

  • Dewatering projects come in all different shapes and sizes and there is an option to make them enviromentally friendly, but the one thing that remains the same is water. Each of us has an impact on our local water supplies, both in terms of water......

  • Detroit Tarp has been involved in the trucking industry for more than half a century. Lou Stephenson and Roy Sullins purchased Detroit Tarpaulin in 1963 where they began manufacturing, renting and repairing truck tarps. In 1963, most tarpaulins were made of canvas and there were only......

  •   Industrial sand blasting and painting on an elevated water tower is a great deal more involved in the aspects of planning, logistics and safety. There is a lot of components that make up a full containment sand blasting project, much of which are hidden......

  • If you are responsible for managing operations, projects, safety and compliance Detroit Tarp Cofferdams are just for you. In a market where Energy and Utility Construction Companies must remain competitive, we offer a unique and valuable solution to your de-watering needs. Many times the need......

  • You can save time and money by considering water inflated cofferdams in lieu of sand bags on your future dewatering projects. Many General contractors are successfully utilizing  Detroit Tarp Water Inflated Cofferdams around the world. Creating a sandbag wall can take thousands of sandbags to......

  • Learn the latest news on Cofferdams, Containment, Trucking & Custom Tarps by Detroit Tarp.Provider & Manufacturer of Tarps, Covers, Curtains & Containments.Learn the latest news on Cofferdams, Containment, Trucking & Custom Tarps by Detroit Tarp.Provider & Manufacturer of Tarps, Covers, Curtains & Containments.Learn the latest......